The 10th Congress of the French Society of Angiogenesis (SFA) will take place from Wednesday 11 to Friday 13 October 2023 on the prestigious site of the Haut Carré of the University of Bordeaux.
Like previous editions, the programme consists of invited oral presentations and poster sessions. Feel free to submit 1 abstract for a selection to the oral papers and/or contribute to the poster sessions.
A new 'Open Science' session is being organised on the theme 'The blood vessel at the center of pathologies'. This fun event will be open to the general public. We ask you for a flash presentation last in which you have three minutes to present your research to general non expert audiences. Do not hesitate to register.
The congress will end with the presentation of the best oral communication , which rewards excellence in academic results, research work, as well as the award of the best poster and the oral communication "Open Science".
Inscription and abstrcat submission
Authors are asked to submit their articles electronically (cf the SFA website)
Abstracts & Registration
Abstracts submission and registration for the SFA 2023 meeting are open
Abstract soumission for oral presentation
Abstract due September 4 2023
Super Early Bird Registration
Super Early Bird registration deadline is October 5th 2023